A number of treatment approaches have been used with young people who exhibit harmful sexual behaviour (YPHSB). Other young offenders (OYO) have sometimes received an alternative form of treatment - physical activity (PA)-based intervention. Positive outcomes have been reported for these young people. Some authorities have argued that YPHSB and OYO are similar in terms of their psychosocial characteristics and therefore might benefit from PA-based interventions. There are a small number of evaluations of such interventions with YPHSB but they are limited to adventure therapy (AT) or wilderness therapy (WT). This paper will provide an outline of PA-based interventions used with OYO; assess any overlap in psychosocial characteristics between YPHSB and OYO; and evaluate the evidence as to the efficacy of PA-based interventions with YPHSB.
Wilderness therapy, Adventure therapy, Physical activity interventions, Harmful sexual behaviour, Young people
How to Cite
Horner, L. & Gallagher, B., (2018) “Physical Activity as an Intervention with Young People Exhibiting Harmful Sexual Behaviour: A Review”, Crime Security and Society 1(2), 14-29. doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/css.552